dimanche 11 août 2024

Victory belongs to the brave

Congratulations to you who knew how to defend an ideal of justice:
Prince of Love
(Nilson Agustín Caraballo Rosario)
In the photograph, the author in profile.
Date unknown. Greetings of peace.

Since you are pursuing a good goal, go ahead and you will achieve victory, because now everything depends on you. 

Firstly, you have learned from the failures you had on various occasions over a long period of time, due to your mistakes. 

Secondly, with your sufferings you have atoned for your faults, and your karma is lighter now. 

And thirdly, help from above comes at the most unexpected moment, because you deserve it due to your struggles. You should not fear because you are not alone in this world. 

Consequently, the day of victory has arrived. 

Do not be carried away by false appearances. 

You must look further ahead. 

On the other hand, if your purpose is bad, you must give up and you will avoid greater suffering, because you were driven by selfish feelings such as greed, for example. 

Victory belongs to the brave. 

Congratulations to you who knew how to defend an ideal of justice.
Monday, July 29, 2024
(According to Coordinated Universal Time / UTC).

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