lundi 17 juin 2024

🔵 Commemoration of "Juneteenth" in the United States and in the world

Why is June 19, 1865 so important in the history of black rights, universal freedom and human rights?

Photograph by the author, taken on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. We have only removed the background from the presentation image, but we have included the original file below. With all my heart, I wish you the best. I invite you to click to take a look at the updated report: The bodhisattva Abraham Lincoln, the true Abolition of slavery, awakening to the reality of our time >

Since in the 19th century the United States of America was growing as a strong and independent nation, its influence on world culture would be decisive.

Over the next few years, the nation would continue to develop until it became the leading world power after the war with Spain and the two world wars.

The slaves did not have the weapons or the training necessary to organize a successful revolution on their own, but they did fight bravely to defend their cause when summoned by Abraham Lincoln who, since he entered politics, had the firm purpose to end slavery. 

"Juneteenth" parade in Denver, Colorado, heading north from downtown, approximately between the years 1979 to 1985. From my grandparents' photo collection. Author: Newestf. Own work. License 4.0. Wikimedia commons. >

Lincoln was elected president of the United States on November 6, 1960, driven by the force of love, and took office on March 4, 1861. 

The new president sought peaceful change through laws and other strategies. 

An important step was the liberation of slaves in the Northern states, but the Southern states offered strong resistance to the liberation of the dark-skinned people who were the main workforce on their estates. 

For this reason, the Southern states united to form a new independent nation: the Confederate States of America. We must clarify that numerous Southern planters were also against slavery and had freed their slaves. 

But those southerners who possessed the greatest economic and political power were not willing to give in. 

The Northern states, led by President Lincoln, remained faithful to the Constitution of the United States, but were known by the name of the Union. 

Abraham Lincoln declared that he had no intention of attacking the South, but Confederate troops bombarded and took the fort of Fort Sumter between April 12 and 13, 1861, thus beginning the Civil War that cost more than 700,000 dead. 

Here you have the photography, from which I extracted the portrait that heads this report. Here you can see the original background which is not beautiful and that is why I deleted it later. This author photo was taken on June 12, 2024. Click here to see the other photos in the twin report. >

The Abolition of Slavery was proclaimed by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of the Civil War. 

The proclamation stated that: “all persons held as slaves” within the rebel states “are, and henceforth shall be, free.” 

The war officially ended on April 9, 1865, with the victory of the North and the definitive liberation of the slaves. However, the state of Texas continued to practice slavery until June 19, when Union troops took possession of that state.

Prince of love
(Nilson Agustín Caraballo Rosario)

(Monday, June 17, 2024
(Based on Coordinated Universal Time / UTC)


You can also click here to explore the report I just published on "The Transcendental Role of the Bodhisattva for the True Abolition of Slavery in the United States and the World, in the Light of Cosmic Science." >

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